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About Us

Welcome to Hoodbutch Studios, the crucible where imagination meets reality.

Founded by Ian Damont Martin, Hoodbutch is a creative studio dedicated to storytelling through the lenses of Black and queer experiences. Our studio, rooted in the streets of Chicago, crafts narratives across film, fashion, live events, and more -- centering the voices of the those too often sidelined. Our mission is to practice creative alchemy, transforming raw visions into cultural touchstones that captivate and inspire. Join us on this journey of identity, imagination, and innovation.

What is creative alchemy? 

The art of infusing imagination, storytelling, and design, resulting in immersive and captivating cultural experiences. Just as alchemy seeks to transmute base metals into gold, creative alchemy transmutes raw ideas into transformative moments, bridging the realms of art and culture to create something extraordinary. It is the process of crafting narratives, designs, and experiences that resonate deeply, inspire awe, and provoke thought, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of audiences worldwide. Through creative alchemy, Hoodbutch Studios celebrates the fusion of creativity and culture, building moments that transcend.

Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh™ embarks on a new narrative where free thinking inspires a pioneering format for the future, where the age of imagination is the product of reality.

Inspired by Virgil’s vision and approach to his art, Off-White™ nourishes a collective of creative minds that represent the best in their category and have a strong and personal connection with Virgil. Ibrahim’s relationship with Virgil and Off-White™, born and nurtured through Instagram DMs, blossomed both personally and professionally over the last 3 years creating a strong bond based on mutual respect and shared values.

“Making a successful luxury brand in nine years is genius. It’s a feat that I admire and hope to continue building upon with a rich legacy. He revolutionised streetwear and luxury that crosses generations and decades. He showed the world that the underrepresented, the underdogs and Black people, in particular, have brilliant minds and can push and compete equally in the establishment. He inspired hope and brought about change.” - Ibrahim Kamara, Art&Image Director Off-White™

